Netzel Farms – WVFV provides agricultural equipment (tractors, fencing, farm equipment/adaptive if needed due to combat injuries) to America’s veterans who are starting farms or ranches. Jessica is a Colorado USAF vet who is not letting her injuries get in the way of her successful farm! WVFV was proud to award her with this new BCS Walk Behind Tractor and tiller attachment using matching funds from Newman’s Own Foundation.

Hoofbeats Healing Hearts Equine Therapy – We provide critical new or used equipment (adapted to accommodate injuries if needed) not only to returning veterans who are starting a business but also to veteran-serving nonprofits! Look at this happy veteran, Justin Masters of Tennessee with this much needed truck from WVFV for his Equine Therapy nonprofit. This was made possible thanks to the Newman’s Own Foundation grant to WVFV.

JSR Hand Engraving small business start up WVFV sending this beauty to a NY injured vet for his metal engraving business. JSR Hand Engravers solder, hammer, shape, and anneal metals to produce items such as jewelry and kitchenware. Sometimes it is that one critical piece of equipment that offers hope and that “hand up” to move an injured vet with dreams of self-sufficiency to the realization of a small business. Jason Reed of upstate NY completed the Syracuse University Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV) training program and with this specialized metal working tool, adapted for his injuries, he is open for business!